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Aykon London One - Features & Amenities
Studio 1, 2 & 3 Bedroom
Various Sizes
Announcing - Soon
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AED 4,237,981
London City
Damac Properties
Aykon London One
Features & Amenities
At AYKON London One, developer Damac Properties offers you to step outside and explore the world class facilities, you'll appreciate new walkways and a wonderful open piazza in which to unwind and loosen up. A fresh new patio is being made, brimming with enthusiastic bistros and shops to visit. Each of the building's outside spaces will be extraordinary, with its own central models, water highlights and landscaping aesthetic, all supplemented by a la mode furniture and specialist lighting.
Life at AYKON London One will speak to a ultimate in luxury, a definitive in Versace Home. A collection of extravagance amenities will be accessible to inhabitants, including exclusive rooftop gardens overlooking London City. Most abnormally, the best in class gymnasium, swimming pool and Jacuzzi, all including equipment's of the signature Versace style, will be interestingly determined to the 23rd story of the north pinnacle, and overflowed with normal sunlight and in addition brag rousing vistas of the encompassing neighborhood.
Key Features
360 new private residential apartments
9,924 square feet of communal gardens
State-of-the-art gymnasium
Children’s play areas
Two car lifts
Ample parking
Secure bicycle spaces
Secure storage facilities
Optional hospitality services
Expansive indoor swimming pool and Jacuzzi
Life at AYKON London One
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